Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Basket Give-Aways, Stuff Wanted

Here at Easy Street Designs, we used to give away one large prize as part of a holiday drawing. With the down economy, we decided a couple of years ago that 5 smaller prizes would bring some good cheer to 5 times as many families, so we put together Christmas Baskets full of toys and games and coloring books and such. They've been a big hit.

This year we want to add a new twist - free goodies from our business customers (can be for kids or adults). Naturally, businesses that donate to the prize baskets will appear on the posters and in the basket itself. You may also add your business card, flyer or brochure to the prize.

Prize should be stand alone, no strings attached. It can be a gift certificate, but no coupons, no free consultations or inspections, no buy one/get ones or X% offs (this promo is aimed at generating goodwill, not necessarily an immediate sale).

If you'd like to participate, call 719-390-5080 or email easystreetorders@yahoo.com

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Newsletter ads available through Nov 30th

It's short notice, I know, but I have some advertising space available on the Holiday issue of the Stratmoor Hills Newsletter from now until Wed (must deliver newsletter by Dec 1).

The newsletter comes out twice a year and is hand delivered to 540 homes in the Stratmoor Hills Neighborhood Association (north B St, south of Cheyenne Meadows Rd). Complimentary copies are also furnished to the Fire Dept, The Utilities and Water Depts and the Sherrifs Office and County Commissioners.

Cost for a black and white ad is $35 for business card size, $55 for a 1/4 page, $100 for a 1/2 page or $175 for a full page.

Space and time are limited. Call 719-390-5080 or email EasyStreetOrders@Yahoo.com to take advantage today.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Magnetic Business Card Calendar Special

Now through November 30, 2011

Magnetic Business Card 2012 Calendars, just 35 cents each. NO MINIMUM

Your business card adheres to the front, magnet on back.

Instant Promotional

Order today by calling 719-390-5080 or email EasyStreetOrders@yahoo.com

- cover choices may be limited on quantities under 300
- flat rate shipping $7 to the Continental U.S.